[TabPy] # TABPY_QUERY_OBJECT_PATH = /tmp/query_objects # TABPY_PORT = 9004 # TABPY_STATE_PATH = /tabpy/tabpy_server # Where static pages live # TABPY_STATIC_PATH = /tabpy/tabpy_server/static # For how to configure TabPy authentication read # docs/server-config.md. # TABPY_PWD_FILE = /path/to/password/file.txt # To set up secure TabPy uncomment and modify the following lines. # Note only PEM-encoded x509 certificates are supported. # TABPY_TRANSFER_PROTOCOL = https # TABPY_CERTIFICATE_FILE = /path/to/certificate/file.crt # TABPY_KEY_FILE = /path/to/key/file.key # Log additional request details including caller IP, full URL, client # end user info if provided. # TABPY_LOG_DETAILS = true # Configure how long a custom script provided to the /evaluate method # will run before throwing a TimeoutError. # The value should be a float representing the timeout time in seconds. #TABPY_EVALUATE_TIMEOUT = 30 [loggers] keys=root [handlers] keys=rootHandler,rotatingFileHandler [formatters] keys=rootFormatter [logger_root] level=DEBUG handlers=rootHandler,rotatingFileHandler qualname=root propagete=0 [handler_rootHandler] class=StreamHandler level=DEBUG formatter=rootFormatter args=(sys.stdout,) [handler_rotatingFileHandler] class=handlers.RotatingFileHandler level=DEBUG formatter=rootFormatter args=('tabpy_log.log', 'a', 1000000, 5) [formatter_rootFormatter] format=%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] (%(filename)s:%(module)s:%(lineno)d): %(message)s datefmt=%Y-%m-%d,%H:%M:%S