In the last post, we discussed about drag and drop execution of Tableau Prep flows. But what will happen if you dropped multiple files? The previous version will only run the first file, but we can easily modify it to run any number of files.Dragging and Dropping Multiple Files Here is the modified version of our FlowRunner.BAT file.@echo off set prep="C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Prep 2018.3\scripts\tableau-prep-cli.bat" for %%I IN (%*) do ( call %prep% -t "%%~I" echo. echo. ) pause Explanation:line 2: path to Tableau Prep command line scriptline 3,4 : Extract dropped file paths and execute them from command line Post navigationTableau Prep – Enabling drag and drop execution of flow files Workaround for wildcard union refresh limitation of Tableau Prep
Hey Jose, I love this Blog ( Bookmarked !) I also have a question, what determines the order of execution? Because I need my workflows to run in a certain order because of dependencies.Reply
@Mohammed Hemayed, In the above implementation, we are not enforcing any sort order, but it is possible if you have to. Please see this stackoverflow question and update your code accordingly.